Mia Heidenstedt

Ask HN: Favorite Blogs by Individuals?

Ask HN: Favorite Blogs by Individuals?


The discussion on the provided Hacker News link revolves around various topics, primarily focusing on the appreciation of a historian’s blog that frequently appears on Hacker News. The blog is praised for its detailed and technical descriptions of mechanical processes, which some users liken to the work of a programmer. The author’s approach to discussing topics such as archery, which includes elements of physics, empirical studies, historical anecdotes, and comparisons to modern video games and TV, is also appreciated.

There’s also a discussion about a blog post on medieval medicine, which is praised for its insightful exploration of the topic. Some users express their appreciation for the writer’s style, which includes the use of parentheses, italics, and bolding to clarify the structure of thoughts.

The thread also includes a discussion about a blog called “A half-hour to learn Rust,” which is recommended for those interested in learning Rust with a good programming background but no specific Rust knowledge.

There are also mentions of other blogs and resources, such as diff.blog, a platform for discovering new developer blogs, and a discussion about the cost of domain names. Some users share their favorite blogs and discuss the benefits of using an RSS feed reader.